In this episode of The Quo Cast: A Status Quo Fan Podcast, Jamie Dyer talks to Status Quo fan Amy about her love of Quo, albums, gigs, tribute bands and more!

Jamie Dyer talks to Status Quo fan Steven Black about gigs, Richie Malone, Backbone, Andy Bown, the Frantic Four reunion tours, casual fans and more!

Summary In this special episode of The Quo-Cast, Jamie Dyer talks to producer John Eden about his work on the remix of Status Quo’s Rockin’ All Over The World album. They also discuss the new live album from Alan Lancaster’s Bombers; soon to be released on Barrel and Squidger Records. […]

In this episode of ‘The Quo-Cast’, Jamie Dyer talks to State Of Quo Bassist Brino, who discusses Status Quo, Alan Lancaster, Rhino, Radio 2’s Hyde Park gig, Richie Malone & the upcoming gig at the Status Quo fan club convention.

In this episode of The Quo Cast, Jamie Dyer talks to Daniel Jordan about his love for Status Quo, his experiences with the band, Backbone, Rhinos Revenge and more!

Summary In the latest episode of The Quo-Cast: A Status Quo Fan Podcast, Jamie Dyer talks to Johnny from Status Quo tribute band Quo-No UK. I’m always looking for guests to be included in future episodes of the podcast. Email, tweet @TheQuoCast on Twitter or check us out on

Jamie Dyer talks to Mark from Status Quo tribute band Quoincidence about being a tribute, albums, Francis’ I Talk Too Much tour and Uffy’s Custom Shed.

Summary Jamie talks to musician Joakim Rognedal about Sound Of Status, Quo Conventions, guitar gear and more. Links Sound Of Status on Facebook: Joakim Rognedal on Facebook: Barrel and Squidger Records: I’m always looking for guests to be included in future episodes of the podcast. Email, […]

Summary In the latest episode of The Quo-Cast: A Status Quo Fan Podcast, Jamie Dyer talks to Status Quo fan Darren. They discuss his first Quo experiences, the controversy surrounding ‘The Last Night Of The Electrics‘ tour and more. I’m always looking for guests to be included in future episodes […]