Summary Jamie talks to musician Joakim Rognedal about Sound Of Status, Quo Conventions, guitar gear and more. Links Sound Of Status on Facebook: Joakim Rognedal on Facebook: Barrel and Squidger Records: I’m always looking for guests to be included in future episodes of the podcast. Email, […]

Summary In the latest episode of The Quo-Cast: A Status Quo Fan Podcast, Jamie Dyer talks to Status Quo fan Darren. They discuss his first Quo experiences, the controversy surrounding ‘The Last Night Of The Electrics‘ tour and more. I’m always looking for guests to be included in future episodes […]

Summary In this episode of The Quo-Cast, Jamie Dyer talks to David Wood from the Status Quo tribute band The Quo Experience. Transcription Jamie Dyer: This is the Quo Cast. My name’s Jamie Dyer and I’m joined today via the telephone for a change by David Wood from the band, […]

Summary In this episode of The Quo-Cast: A Status Quo Fan Podcast: Jamie talks to Gary Davies from Status Quo tribute band Quo’d. Teaser Transcription Jamie Dyer: This is the QuoCast. My name’s Jamie Dyer. I’m here today with a tribute band via Skype. Well, a guy from a tribute […]