New Posting Schedule for The Quo-Cast

This is Jamie Dyer welcoming you to another edition of…The Quo-Cast! This is a short update to let fans know that I shall be updating my posting schedule for the podcast. I have slowly been adhering to a new routine, but it will feel more official if I announce it.

When I first started podcasting, I didn’t have a specific schedule that I kept to. Some weeks would have one episode, while others would have 3. It would all depend on how many guests I would be able to book, or the number of topical subjects. During the days of the pandemic, I produced quite a large number of episodes in a short period of time, as guests were available easier.

In recent times, it has been up and down in regards to guests; Things tend to go in waves, it’s really quiet for a while then loads come along at once. This unpredictability was affecting the amount of things I could publish, and long gaps would occur between episodes.

I have been working on ways to increase the amount of content I’m producing that isn’t solely reliant on one form. One of which was to create more episodes with just me presenting solo on a specific Quo-related topic. With the expansion of YouTube, this has been easier to achieve. As the audience has built on the platform, I’ve come up with various playlist ideas that delve into different areas of Quo fandom; These include Is It Still Worth it? And the haul playlist.

After several months of experimenting, I have come up with a posting schedule that will help build the audience and create a sustainable way to continue the podcast. I will be posting on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Monday: A reaction to a topical Quo event or something happening in the community. At the moment, I’m planning to do regular reactions to the Rossi / Young In Conversation videos. These will be posted on YouTube and audio.

Wednesday: An album review or playlist. These will mainly air on YouTube, but may also be posted on the podcast if suitable.

Friday: All being well, I will be joined by a guest. If not, I will find a subject to talk about. These will be posted on YouTube and podcast.

The goal is to keep this schedule up for a couple of months to test the water.

I am always looking for guests to appear on the podcast. Whether you’re a fan, in a tribute band or have a professional connection to the band, I want to hear from you. Interviews are conducted via Zoom, Skype, Cleanfeed, Messenger or WhatsApp and last between 15 and 45 minutes. Email

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Quo Tribute Bands Gig List April 2024

Thu Mar 28 , 2024
If you’re looking to get your Quo fix in April of 2024, plenty of tribute bands are out there. All of these are in the UK unless stated otherwise. Please note that the following is subject to change. Quo Connection 19th April – Music Club, Wokingham (Sold Out) 20th April […]

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