A Chat With Wes from Belgian Quo Band


In this episode of The Quo-Cast: Jamie Dyer chats to Wes, the drummer from the Belgian Quo Band; A Status Quo tribute band based in Belguim. They discuss the band’s upcoming appearance at the convention, Quo drummers and more.

The Status Quo Fan Club Convention is organised by FTMO, and will be held between the 23rd and 26th of September 2022. Tickets and accommodation details are viewable on the fan club website.

Belgian Quo Band Link: https://www.belgianquoband.be/

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A Chat With Jamie Dyer: Greg Harper sits in

Sun Aug 14 , 2022
Summary In this episode of The Quo-Cast, Musician and Author Greg Harper interviews Jamie Dyer about his love of Quo, with a focus on the 1980s onwards. They discuss Francis Rossi’s productions (Incl Lee O’Brien), Bula Quo, Aquostic, In Search Of The Fourth Chord and more!

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