Gary Davies from Quo’d


In this episode of The Quo-Cast: A Status Quo Fan Podcast: Jamie talks to Gary Davies from Status Quo tribute band Quo’d.

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Jamie Dyer: This is the QuoCast. My name’s Jamie Dyer. I’m here today with a tribute band via Skype. Well, a guy from a tribute band. Anyway, Gary Davies, not the radio presenter from the 1980s, but the lead, I believe, of Quo’d, Who is with us right now on Skype. Can you tell us a little bit about Quo’d? How did it start?

Gary Davies: well, it started I think back in 2015 I’d been almost semi-retired from music, I guess, for a few years. A mate of mine had been looking on a local sort of, join my band group, and said, Davies, there’s a Quo band here, looking for someone to go and join them. It’s got to be right up your street, innit?

I’ve been talking about doing a Quo band with my brother on and off for a few years, and it sort of never quite… Got off the ground. We had a few rehearsals, but never sort of took it any further. And so I, I replied to the advert strolled up to the rehearsal room week or so later, and I, I met Mick and Chris there.

So Mick plays the Rick Parfitt stuff. Although when we first started, actually, Mick was doing all the lead work and I was doing the I was doing the rhythm. I, I, I don’t quite know why that was, but it just was, you know Chris was pretty much doing all the vocals and, we had drummer number one. I think his name was Paul and it gets a bit confusing with drummers because we’ve had so many now. We kind of started it as a bit of fun just to sort of see if we could kind of capture some of that sound and some of that energy of, of of, of the early Quo stuff and it, it sort of proved to be more difficult in, in a lot of ways and I think we, we’d anticipated but we, we kept at it and.

You know, I moved for a couple of different drummers and you know, we’re now sort of, I think we’re settled on the, on, on this lineup and it seems to be coming together in quite a nice way now you know, a lot of the parts and you know, got people in the right places, standing in the right place on stage, you know, doing more or less the right vocal parts and guitar parts each.

Yeah, I’m just trying to get that that energetic kind of boogie sound down.

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Iain White from Counterfeit Quo

Wed Jul 31 , 2019
Summary In this episode of The Quo-Cast, Jamie Dyer talks to musician Iain White from the Status Quo tribute band Counterfeit Quo. Transcription:

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